Deus Antics
- Євро
Deus Antics Mac.ttf
Примітка автора
Hello, this is my very first font, and prepare some tissue because this is going to get tearful in no time.
Recently I started on a new job, and for the first time on my life i am not doing graphic design. So i thought i'd like to do a tribute to that chapter of my life as a graphic designer.
In the other hand, some of the first fonts i used in my life comes from this site.
Then i thought it would be cool to close the circle that way, contributing with my own typography for those who would like to use it.
About the font itself:
I wanted to make a variation of our latin characters as some kind of runes.
"Deus Antics" means Ancient Gods in Catalan.
- There is lower case and upper case letters.
- The vowels are the only letters with curves, and the consonants are all square like.
- The symbols are pretty similar to the originals in order to help "Readability".
- Numbers goes from 0 to 9 and make use of the binary code (note the horizontal lines at the top.)
I hope you like it using it as i liked doing it.
I think i'm going to get a tattoo.
Recently I started on a new job, and for the first time on my life i am not doing graphic design. So i thought i'd like to do a tribute to that chapter of my life as a graphic designer.
In the other hand, some of the first fonts i used in my life comes from this site.
Then i thought it would be cool to close the circle that way, contributing with my own typography for those who would like to use it.
About the font itself:
I wanted to make a variation of our latin characters as some kind of runes.
"Deus Antics" means Ancient Gods in Catalan.
- There is lower case and upper case letters.
- The vowels are the only letters with curves, and the consonants are all square like.
- The symbols are pretty similar to the originals in order to help "Readability".
- Numbers goes from 0 to 9 and make use of the binary code (note the horizontal lines at the top.)
I hope you like it using it as i liked doing it.
I think i'm going to get a tattoo.
Таблиця символів
Для перегляду різних таблиць символів для цього шрифту, будь ласка, скористайтесь меню, що розкривається.
Основна інформація про шрифт
Сімейство шрифту
Deus Antics
Підсімейство шрифту
Унікальний ідентифікатор підсімейства
Deus Antics
Повна назва шрифту
Deus Antics
Ім´я настільної версії
Version 2.1
Ім´я поскрипт шрифта
Про виробника
My first typography.
Розширена інформація про шрифт
Платформи підтримуються
MicrosoftПовный асортимент юнікодів
Тільки BMP юникод
Деталі шрифту
Кількість гліфів116
Одиниць на Em1024
Права вбудовуванняBбудовування для стаціонарної установки
Клас групиСимвольні
НасиченістьСередній (нормальний)
ШиринаСередній (нормальний)
Mac стильЖирні
НапрямокТільки гліфи спрямовані зліва направо + нейтральні
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