TrueTypeДля власного користування
Примітка автора
I believe inspiration is a key factor in becoming a successful artist. My love affair with communicating visually. My love for typography and creative expression have recently turned into a true fascination of finding beauty in the shape of letterforms.
I have long been inspired by my favorite artist, Dane Peter Callesen and his papercut creations. This past summer, I had the pleasure of traveling to Copenhagen, Denmark in hopes of seeing one of his exhibitions and instead stumbled across a show called SKRALD! or TRASH! It presented trash, recycling, waste, and consumption in a way I had never seen. There were sculptures, graphic posters, and photos that all involved upcycling and the use of objects most often seen as trash.
My current work is a mash up of my inspiration from SKRALD, Peter Callesen, and typography. I have combined all three of these by designing a typeface that represents my inspiration from SKRALD. By creating this type I want to bring to light the issues presented by landfills and consumption.
I have long been inspired by my favorite artist, Dane Peter Callesen and his papercut creations. This past summer, I had the pleasure of traveling to Copenhagen, Denmark in hopes of seeing one of his exhibitions and instead stumbled across a show called SKRALD! or TRASH! It presented trash, recycling, waste, and consumption in a way I had never seen. There were sculptures, graphic posters, and photos that all involved upcycling and the use of objects most often seen as trash.
My current work is a mash up of my inspiration from SKRALD, Peter Callesen, and typography. I have combined all three of these by designing a typeface that represents my inspiration from SKRALD. By creating this type I want to bring to light the issues presented by landfills and consumption.
Таблиця символів
Для перегляду різних таблиць символів для цього шрифту, будь ласка, скористайтесь меню, що розкривається.
Основна інформація про шрифт
Сімейство шрифту
Підсімейство шрифту
Унікальний ідентифікатор підсімейства
DeannaHodge: SALVAGE: 2013
Повна назва шрифту
Ім´я настільної версії
Version 1.000
Ім´я поскрипт шрифта
Про виробника
Deanna Hodge
Deanna Hodge
Розширена інформація про шрифт
Платформи підтримуються
ЮнікодЮникод 2.0 и прогресивна семантика, тільки Юникод BMP
MicrosoftТільки BMP юникод
Деталі шрифту
Кількість гліфів56
Одиниць на Em1000
Права вбудовуванняДозволено вбудовування для перегляду та друку
Клас групиНе кваліфіковано
НасиченістьСередній (нормальний)
Mac стильЖирні
НапрямокТільки гліфи спрямовані зліва направо + нейтральні