Sliced AB V2
OpenTypeБезкоштовна з можливістю пожертви
- Hаголоси (часткові)
- Hаголоси (повні)
- Євро
Примітка автора
Sliced AB was created a number of years ago and shared through DeviantArt. Since then I've wanted to expand on the existing basic font set and include further characters, multi-lingual support and adapt some of the letters with better kerning and overall make a better font. The original edition has achieved well over 250,000 downloads and although I'll never expect the new version to hit those staggering heights I hope many will pickup this revision also.
Created with a modern technical feel and 45 degree angle its designed primarily as headline style font but will work as body text also.
Shared as free for personal & commercial use with open donations. (License is contained in download file)
Donate what you think is fair as a thank you. The time to develop a full typeface, test and release is extensive and this helps support the development of more fonts.
If you are wanting to use any typeface(s) for commercial purposes and are making a profit, please consider a donation, I won't make you feel guilty if you don't do this (...but you should haha!)
Thank you for taking time to enjoy my work.
Created with a modern technical feel and 45 degree angle its designed primarily as headline style font but will work as body text also.
Shared as free for personal & commercial use with open donations. (License is contained in download file)
Donate what you think is fair as a thank you. The time to develop a full typeface, test and release is extensive and this helps support the development of more fonts.
If you are wanting to use any typeface(s) for commercial purposes and are making a profit, please consider a donation, I won't make you feel guilty if you don't do this (...but you should haha!)
Thank you for taking time to enjoy my work.
Таблиця символів
Для перегляду різних таблиць символів для цього шрифту, будь ласка, скористайтесь меню, що розкривається.
Основна інформація про шрифт
Про авторські права
Сімейство шрифту
Sliced AB V2
Підсімейство шрифту
Унікальний ідентифікатор підсімейства
Повна назва шрифту
Sliced AB V2
Ім´я настільної версії
Version 1.002;Fontself Maker 2.1.2
Ім´я поскрипт шрифта
Freelance Graphic Designer, Typographer & Motorsport Creative
Розширена інформація про шрифт
Платформи підтримуються
MicrosoftТільки BMP юникод
Деталі шрифту
Кількість гліфів465
Одиниць на Em1000
Права вбудовуванняBбудовування для стаціонарної установки
Клас групиНе кваліфіковано
Mac стильЖирні
НапрямокТільки гліфи спрямовані зліва направо + нейтральні